If you’re like most people, you’ll usually be exposed to one of three different types of white stuff falling from the sky: sleet/hail, heavy wet snow, thin powdery snow. They’re by far the most common types of snow you can encounter, but certainly not at all the entire spectrum of snow that exists. Depending on humidity, temperature and geographic region, snow can take a variety of different shapes and sizes. Snow Blower Source takes a look at what they are, even if the chances of finding it in your backyard are pretty slim. But for all the regular types of snow out there, you can bet our Toro single stage snow blowers can more than handle the job.
Although it’s only October, you’ve got to start looking at performing a basic maintenance check on your snow blower now. The weather’s still warm, you can spend hours outside in comfort, and it’ll be nice to start off the first snowfall with a ready, well-oiled machine. Doing your snow blower maintenance now also puts time on your side: if you need to replace a part, you don’t have to scramble around looking for it because you have months to order it in. So instead of sitting around, wishing the warm weather will last just a little bit longer than normal, it’s time to break out your snow blower and have a once over at it. And if you’re buying a new snow blower —! Great! We have a stellar sale going on now until October 31st where you can save huge money.